Tuesday 24 February 2009

Topolo Durga (Lv.97~100)

Place: Topolo Durga
Description: Time to lvl up Oss(Fighter)...
Goal: From lv. 87 to lv. 100

So We're in Topolo Durga

Since Oss Has Reached lv. 87... its time for a new challenge... So I assigned Danna(Bernelli) & Busic(Scout) in the same team so he can at least deal with this thiefs...

A Useful Stance for this... as my opinion "Sabre Garde"(lv.25 / ATK Speed + 8% & Evasion + 15%)

The ATK Speed isn't much deal, the Real Deal here is the + Evasion % ,Since I get "Parry" (7 of every 10 hits)... Oss can in some way "Tank" Does Thugs, while Danna Deals with the Power Factor.

The only problem here... 2 of the "The Murphy's Laws of Sword of the New World" are Applied on this Map...

25º [+]"Mobs that can't KO (knockout) your toons when you are active, will gain super powers as soon as you go AFK."
26º [+]"You'll be able to semi AFK fine all day while at your computer, but die as soon as you go use the Bathroom."

This Laws are Almost inevitable... the only thing you can do to prevent At least the Law Nº26... "Take a musketeer, and Pray that Law Nº27 Dosn't Applied to You..."

24º [+]"Your characters will sometimes die when you look away for 30 seconds."

Note: You'll have to watch out every angle...

They Are Thiefs "Opportunity Makes the Thief"

=/= Note: No One was Hurt During the Making of this Post =/=